Monday, July 19, 2010

Leaving Washington DC

I left D.C. one week ago. I took advantage of every minute of my time in DC the last couple months. I was able to spend time with the amazing friends that I made in DC.  A day trip to Philly, visitors from California, museums, "hiking" endeavors (difficult when it is 100 degrees out and there is 80% humidity), rooftop BBQs and pool nights, July 4th on the National Mall with friends from Chapman, and miniature golf at a quirky bar. I loved every minute of it. I had a great last dinner with my new DC friends who will be around for many years to come.  I said good-bye to my co-workers who were absolutely amazing! I was so fortunate to have the experience in DC that I had. It is because of that experience, beginning with lonely nights to making new friends, and strengthening the bonds with old friends, that I now have the confidence to move halfway across the world in less than a month. I am so incredibly grateful for the entire experience. I have grown so much as a person. Everyone that I met in DC taught me more than they will ever know.

Leaving DC was harder than I thought. I have become used to moving around and people leaving. I am a person who will keep in touch with you until it is so obvious that you aren't going to call me back that it hurts. I love meeting new people but I thrive on having good friends. I depend on having friends around me as often as possible and by the end of my experience in DC, I found a way to make that happen. I am one of the luckiest people in the world to  have so many supportive and wonderful friends in my life.

From the moment I stepped off the plane in DC, it was surreal.  I have realized that I am an outgoing person. I can hold a conversation. I was willing to meet anyone! I met several relatives I had never met. I met friends of friends of friends.  I am ready to take on this challenge in Zurich. I am excited for it because I know I can do it.

Washington DC is a beautiful place. I think it represents everything that is wonderful about this country that I was so lucky to be born in. I also think it brings to life the many problems we need to deal with face on. I love DC more than just about any city I have ever visited. I know it is the right place for me in the future but I also know it is time for me to explore more the world.  My transition time in San Diego is extremely busy without beginning to deal with the list of things I need to do to prepare for Switzerland. I have so much to look forward to it is hard to dwell on my time in DC. I have found I need a little time to move past it.

I know looking forward I will have countless transitions to deal with. I will leave people and keep in touch. I know this is the lifestyle I want for the near future, but it doesn't make the good-byes any easier. It is a weird feeling to have so many places to call home there is no where to call home, but that is a compromise I am willing to make for now.

I want to take a sentence to thank everyone of my friends and family members who support my decisions to move around and take the risks I am taking. It is because of that support and your confidence in me that I am confident I am going to take Switzerland by storm.  I love you all so much and really appreciate each one of you in indescribable ways.