Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lake Como

As many of you know, my travel record is far from clean.  I am perpetually early for everything so my mistakes do not come from being late. I have shown up at the wrong airport and I have sat in the terminal and somehow missed it when they boarded my plane of 250 people (I was 18 when this happened..maybe I can use that as my justification...)

Anyway, my first trip to Italy started off a little rocky. It was pretty much a straight train ride there. I was prepared to get off the train and had found my stop.  (Note: Switzerland tells you what every stop is before you reach it so you can prepare to get off.)  Once we crossed the border, there were no more announcements.  You are on your own.  I was traveling at night and many of the stations are not lit well and you don't know what station you are at.  I was very prepared though. I knew what I was looking for. I knew what time I was supposed to arrive at my station.  Due to previous issues in traveling, I shut off my iPod and stopped reading about 20 minutes before I was to arrive in Como.  I figured I needed to pay extremely close attention to where I was to ensure I didn't miss my stop.

I knew Como was coming. I got up to stand by the door. The train station is called San Giovanni when you buy your tickets but the name written on the sign in the stop is Como.  This confused me for a moment but I reassured by a man that this was the right stop. I pressed the button to open the door of the train, as they do not open automatically at every stop.  It makes the normal air sucking sound that the train doors make before they are supposed to open. I don't think about it. When I realize it is has still not opened a few seconds later I run to the closest door in a panic.  I get there press that button, but we are moving. I am freaking out at the point. I was so ready to get off! I was excited to be there. See my Aunt and begin my wonderful weekend. Instead, I walk back to my seat.  The Italian men that I had been sitting across from look slightly confused.

I ask them what the next stop is. They tell me it is Milan. I am freaking out for so many reasons:

1. I don't actually have a ticket to go to Milan. If they come to check my ticket I am going to get a fine for being on the train.
2. I need to call my aunt and my phone isn't letting me make the call.
3. The 45 minute train ride to Milan seems like it is taking hours.
4. It is late at night (I was supposed to arrive in Como at 10:14pm).  I am not sure if there is going to be a train that will get me back to Como that night.
5. No one is able to help me because I do not speak Italian =( and no one seems to speak English.

I arrive in Milan (finally!) and I asked the men sitting across from me if I would be able to get to Como tonight. They tried to help but I just stared in confusion at them...I do not speak Italian. We found someone to who could sort of translate.  I am told that I need to take the subway to the other train station and take a regional train to Como.  No one knows if there will be another train tonight....

I want to cry...

I do not cry and try not to look stressed because I am clearly a tourist and that makes you a target for people to take advantage.

I wander around the train station (which is gorgeous) and try to calm down while looking for a pay phone. Pay phones are everywhere in Switzerland. They are no where in Milan.  Nothing is open because it is 11pm on a Friday night.  There are plenty of people around but no one is wearing the employee jacket I was told to look for.  I found a kiosk and luckily there was a ticket to get to Como leave at 12:38am.  I had an hour and half to kill and then another 45 minute train ride before I would arrive in Como. At least I will get there tonight. I can do this. I will be fine.

I asked a man standing next to the kiosk if he knew where a pay phone was.  He was kind enough to let me call the hotel. I quickly told my Aunt that my train door didn't open and that I would be arriving in Como at 1:30 or so.  I got off the phone. I thanked the man for being so generous. He was from Ghana and lived in Milan now. We talked about US Politics for an hour. He thinks Michelle Obama is a phenomenal woman, the Koran burning pastor is crazy, and that Tiger Woods and Bill Clinton should be defended because they were tempted and it is hard to resist temptation. I wholeheartedly disagreed. He said I didn't understand temptation.  He went to catch his train.

I then went back inside the station and took a few more pictures (below).  The Italians are nowhere near as efficient or organized as the Swiss.  My train was supposed to be leaving in 15 minutes and there was still no platform listed.  I finally found a man with the employee jacket on and asked him.  I noticed that my ticket says that I am going to San Giovanni (Como) via another city. I ask him if I need to switch trains. My question is lost in translation and I get a little worried again. I cannot mess this one up!

We get through it and I get the information I need from him, well except for what platform I should be on.  A man is standing next to me at the screen. We are waiting diligently for the number to show up.  We finally learn it is platform three.  (At this point I have found that the train employee and my Dad and maybe an Uncle or two are the only people I know who say three with their pinky, ring finger, and middle finger...I assume this is an Italian thing..)

We get on the train. He is traveling for business. He is from Bombay and he works in plastics. He is very nice. He tells be more about where I should travel to and places I should skip in Europe.

Finally at 2am I make to the hotel. Auntie Francie is there to greet me! We stayed up late chatting and I woke up to a gorgeous panoramic view of the entire lake.  It is breathtaking.  There isn't a cloud in the sky.  I made it! Now it was time to enjoy the weekend.

It was a great weekend! We had great conversation about life, family, etc.  We ate some great food, drank great wine, and I ate the best gelato I have ever had! It was a stunning place to spend the a weekend.  We had a blast the entire time! Late nights and early mornings left us both exhausted by Sunday! It was a perfect weekend.

Como is very small. It is a quaint city where you can walk around, hang out on the lake, eat, and really just relax.  It wasn't too crowded.  We didn't run in to George Cluney.  The people were nice! The town was precious.  It was million times cheaper than Switzerland!

I planned to be at the train station extremely early.  I got in to Como (we were staying in Cernobbio which was a 10 minute boat ride from Como). I got there early enough to get another gelato and make it to the station with plenty of time to spare.  I got back "home" (not sure if I am ready to use that word quite yet) where my perfect dress weather had turned into pouring rain!

So my adventures have really begun! Being in Italy made me ready to back! I am so excited to continue to plan trips. I love that I spent my weekend in Italy and will be in Germany next weekend. I am excited to plan my 2 weeks of backpacking around Christmas/New Year's Eve.  I am ready to start exploring. I am ready to be out of my comfort zone and figure things out in new places when I haven't a clue. I love to meet new people and hear their stories! This is my life and I am loving it!

You can click on the album if you want to see bigger versions of the pictures! Again, Google is amazing! 

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