Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So I knew that Mama C was a little crazy about her ironing coming into this job. She was actually the one who told me he was a little crazy about it! I spend a couple of hours a week ironing the family's clothes. Now you are thinking, that is nice, to always have your clothes ironed before they are put away. Right?

I remember ironing my school uniforms in middle school because I would leave them in the dryer for a day or two, and well, going to Catholic school having wrinkled clothes is some sort of sin. Ever since then the idea of ironing...well it just didn't exist. I had an iron all four years in college that got lugged from room to room..home and back to school..year after year. I didn't open it once. I had a resident borrow it once..

When I had my grown-up job last year, I would occasionally iron a shirt or pair of pants when I was meeting people on the Hill (sounds fancy!) or the boss was in town but for the most part ironing was still not one of my "chores."

There are things that should be ironed. Dress shirts, dresses, the occasional t-shirt when you forgot about your laundry in the dryer..

Things that are ironed in this house:

Terry-clothe towels
Face clothes
All shirts
All pants
Dish towels
Baby clothes

...You get the idea..if you wash get ironed

Now, we have a wonderful woman who comes twice a week (TWICE A WEEK) to clean the house. She is in charge of ironing the nicer clothes, sheets, and towels (she also LOVES babies and their clothes so she ASKED if she could iron Baby Gaga's clothes...she is a doll!)  Mama C understand how ridiculous this is but still ensures that everything that comes out of the dryer is ironed but knows where to draw the line with her aupairs or something like that.

The last aupair ironed P's boxers. This is something I have refused to do. I just fold them and put them away.  I think that this was (oddly) noticed and now the boxers go directly in the socks box (which thankfully is not my "to be ironed bin").  I figured in the beginning I would play dumb if she said anything about them not be ironed. Fortunately, I won that battle.

I will video chat with people or catch up on TV shows when I need to get ironing done. It isn't so much the actual ironing that is bothersome, but the fact that I am ironed a 6 year old's PJs just seems a bit ridiculous! I think that 99% of people can agree that somethings just don't need to be ironed...even if you are paying someone else do it..

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