Monday, December 13, 2010

Age is relative...

I feel old.  It is all relative and have no issues with aging, but I feel old. It is an odd feeling.  However, it is hilarious when you spend most of your time with little kids because I have started to realize why the generations before  say things like "you have no idea how easy you have it.." or "when I was your age..."

We all know know about the "When I was your age I had to walk 2 miles in the snow to get to insert any location here.." The thing is that some line like this will always exist.  On the car ride from Paris Papa B realized that I was closer in age to his children than I am to him, yet I think our childhoods are more similar than mine is to his kids.

So the reason I bring this is up is G is studying the "olden days."  Now, she is focusing on the Victorian Age (or at least that is what we have gathered from her random stories). She says things like: "In the olden days they had to light a fire and keep it going all day to cook their food and stay warm."  This is true. And, yes, I, too, consider this the the olden days.  Then she follows that by: "Did you know in the olden days they didn't have computers?" Now, this is not something I consider the olden days. I didn't have a computer in my house until I was in the 6th grade or something like that.

P asked what a typewriter was at dinner the other day. I used one growing up. We had VHS (which they don't know about) and tapes (this kids know how to work an iPod better than a CD player).  When we went on road trips, my parents had to entertain us in some way. On the ride to and from Paris, P and G were watching movies (something I was able to do in some of my friends' cars but it was a rarity).  I did have a Sega Genesis (awesome I know) and we had a games systems etc, but I remember having tapes and the radio for long car rides growing up...not something P and G will ever understand. Papa B, on the other hand, and I definitely reminisced about growing up in the world with minimal and comparatively underdeveloped technology.

I always knew this day would come.  The fact that I was born in the 1980s makes P and G think I am extremely old (and they tell me).  It is interesting when the people you hang out with the most were born in the 2000s and it is absolutely crazy to see how in about half a generation the technological world is so incredibly different.

As a product of the 90s, I have been enjoying the blog Things Kids from the 90s Realize that one of my aupair friends stumbled upon! I hope you are able to enjoy it (and learn super random and mind-blowing facts) about the things we all loved in the 90s! Enjoy!

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