Saturday, September 26, 2009

The First Month of DC

I have been in DC for just about a month now. It has been less exciting at times than I have hoped. I have learned how to spend unprecedented time by myself, started studying for the GRE, and have been reading a lot. I am currently reading a book that has made it through the family about a woman in her late-20s who moves to DC to work for a Senator. While my life is far less eventful in comparison it is exciting to know the places she is referring to! I am also reading a book called Hope is a Tattered Flag which is really good. It is a serious of interviews done by two journalist of politicians, academics, other journalists, and CEOs about political issues and the road our country is heading down. It is really interesting and I am happy to report that there is hope for the future!

While the job hunt is still going on, I believe that my network of people is slowly getting larger. An old friend from high school moved here and he recently contacted me so we are going to get together, so it will be nice to see a familiar face. I have also had a chance to meet up with one of my Aunt's friend. We went to Georgetown, which was really fun. I also am getting to know one of the woman that I work with and I think we might hang out. I know that I just need to start with a couple of people because that will allow me to meet more people! That is why I left everyone I know back home!

My friend Janille told me about which is a site that groups can post events or meetings from anything like rock climbing to politics. I have joined an International Affairs group. They meet once or twice a month for coffee and talk about a topic that has been pre-chosen. I am excited to go to that in a couple of weeks. It should be a good way to meet people and network with people who are interested in the same things I am.

I represent my Red Sox at work and it is a good conversation starter. I met one woman the other night who is in the Peace and Conflict graduate program at Georgetown who is also a Red Sox fan and I think we are going to get together to watch a game or two. It has also began conversations about what I am doing here. I told my Mom that I think it might result in some new contacts in the field that I want to enter and maybe a job (that's me being REALLY hopeful). It almost did a couple of weeks ago but they were just visited DC so they couldn't help me unless I moved to their city!

I am still looking for housing in the city. I am going to have a fun entry about public transportation very soon but it is the most wonderful thing but when my commute costs be an hour's worth of work there is some cost benefit analysis that needs to take place. I am looking at a few places this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to find something before I have to pay another month's rent.

My parents came to DC last weekend for a conference. It was really nice to see them and since my Mom has never been here we did a lot of walking and went to a couple of museums. Unfortunately, their time here was short but we enjoyed it. I think it was comforting for all three of us to see each other. The weather was amazing while they were here, and really had been excellent. I went to lunch with them at their conference and met some people who work for the Hemophilia Federation of America. I am going to start volunteering at their office on Monday. They are doing a lot with the current health care bill and I should be able to gain experience with them. It will also be something to do during the day since I mainly work nights.

I have realized that I kept myself busy for a reason. I did things I enjoyed and enjoyed doing my reading and researching for class. This also made free time more exciting and relaxing. As I continually look for jobs and housing, my down time is infiltrated with what I should be doing or what I could be doing. I am hoping to find another place to volunteer at in the afternoon so that I can look for jobs in the mornings and volunteer at a couple of places in the afternoon.

I am not going home for Thanksgiving for the first time, but I did buy a plane ticket to Boston to spend it with extended family and my brother. I am also hoping to make it up to New York in October or November. The Mega Bus goes there for $1-9 so it should be doable. I really want to take advantage of being so close to other cities. Baltimore is close and while not many people have good things to say about it, I am sure I will make it there soon as well! Philly is on my list as well because I have never been there! I am just trying to fill my time and manage my money, while enjoying myself and making sure that I am happy!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, September 11, 2009

2 Weeks

So I have been in DC for two weeks now. I have been enjoying myself, but I have also had more free time than I know what to do with. I got a part-time job at a pizza place. It is funny because I knew moving to DC meant I would have to get more professional clothes and be prepared to walk around in heals for the day at my fabulous new job in DC. What actually has happened is that I wear jeans, one of my two pairs of sneakers, and a baseball hat to work!

Nonetheless it is exciting. I know this job is not forever and I just have to keep looking and applying. Some family and friends have put me in contact with people here so I have been reaching out to them. I met with one woman on Wednesday and she was so nice. She packed up her car and moved to DC a few years ago. It all worked out for her, so I am going to use that as good news for me. She was also saying that the currency in DC is connections/contacts. So if anyone knows anyone here let me know!

I moved into my new place (for now) last week. I am living with a very nice woman. She is very rarely home, while I feel like I spend most of my time here. We get along really well, but the place is in Maryland and I didn't move across the country to live in the suberbs so I am looking for somewhere in the city for October. I am getting more comfortable and therefore willing to sign a longer lease.

As for the housing search, I met with two very nice women yesterday. They also just graduated from college in May and packed two bags and moved to DC. They are both employed now, which also seems like a good sign for me! They were awesome and I really hope that we can all live together. I think we would have a lot of fun and are looking for similar things for housing. We are also all liberal and looking into different fields of nonprofits. All very positive things!

It was also really nice to chat with them about the move and graduating. I am glad to know that I am not alone in being freaked out, exciting, and confused all at the same time. It has been quite the experience. I am used to having most of my friends within 5 minutes of me all of the time and now not only are they not in walkng distance, but I can't see them at all! There have been days where I just won't talk to anyone in person other than the cashier or bus driver.

The weather has been so lovely too! It has been cloudy and rainy everyday this week. I love it! I went for a run yesterday (funny I know!) and found that there are trails not too far away from where I am living. It is called Rock Creek Park and it is huge. It come out to where I am in Maryland and goes all the way to Georgetown. It was so nice to just wander around in the park a little bit. There was also this beautiful red bird in the tree outside my window.

My brother got me this book for graduation called DC- Not for Tourists. It has all sorts of things to do--restaurants, bars, hikes, museums, etc. I have been looking through that and making lists of all the things I want to do. The city has so much to offer and there are so many states all around me to explore! I now have the free time to do it so I am trying to take advantage of it all!

I am confident that with time the job, housing, and friends will come and in the mean time I am always on the phone so feel free to call! I will more than likely be able to pick up. I miss you all dearly! Also, I finally bought a webcam and want to use it! So if you have Skype or google video look me up! My Skype name is Pas-scooch!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Weekend

I am sitting in the National Sculpture Garden by a lovely fountain, which people are allowed to put their feet in! It is a beautiful day in the sun and the shade. I just walked down Constitution Ave. I was able to walk passed the amazing old buildings throughout the city. I have only been here in Match, when there is little to no green so it is fun to see grass along the National Mall and flowers on the walkways. I am really enjoying my time here so far. I have been staying College Park, Maryland with Craig. He has been so helpful. We walked miles this weekend looking at places to live and I think the winner in a month to month place in Maryland. I will be living with a very nice woman and another roommate that she is still looking for.

I may potentially intern at Play Pumps International which is funded under the Case Foundation. They build water pumps in Southern Africa which are also playgrounds for children. Lack of clean water is the leading cause of disease and it is also extremely time consuming to obtain. Play Pumps attempts to bring water closer to towns in Africa, which provide people with clean water and also cuts down on the time that people, mostly the women, spend walking to get water every day. It also has a health education division. The pumps also serve as a way to educate people on important topics such as AIDS. The CEO has a lot of experience in economic and community development which is the field I am most interested in.

There is this feeling in DC. It is this feeling of change, and not Obama change. What people seem to have forgotten is that Obama is not the first or the only person to want to make changes. In fact, out government is an institution that will consistently make change. People seem to care here. People know what is going on to some extent and not always because they want to know, but they just can’t help but know. There are people young and old, conservative, liberal and everything in between who believe that they are working towards making the world a better place. The tourists wandering around the streets are here to look at art and history. They want to have an impact on the world we live in and that is a beautiful thing.

I am enjoying my time here thus far and if everything works out I do believe that I could be here for a long time.