I am sitting in the National Sculpture Garden by a lovely fountain, which people are allowed to put their feet in! It is a beautiful day in the sun and the shade. I just walked down Constitution Ave. I was able to walk passed the amazing old buildings throughout the city. I have only been here in Match, when there is little to no green so it is fun to see grass along the National Mall and flowers on the walkways. I am really enjoying my time here so far. I have been staying College Park, Maryland with Craig. He has been so helpful. We walked miles this weekend looking at places to live and I think the winner in a month to month place in Maryland. I will be living with a very nice woman and another roommate that she is still looking for.
I may potentially intern at Play Pumps International which is funded under the Case Foundation. They build water pumps in Southern Africa which are also playgrounds for children. Lack of clean water is the leading cause of disease and it is also extremely time consuming to obtain. Play Pumps attempts to bring water closer to towns in Africa, which provide people with clean water and also cuts down on the time that people, mostly the women, spend walking to get water every day. It also has a health education division. The pumps also serve as a way to educate people on important topics such as AIDS. The CEO has a lot of experience in economic and community development which is the field I am most interested in.
There is this feeling in DC. It is this feeling of change, and not Obama change. What people seem to have forgotten is that Obama is not the first or the only person to want to make changes. In fact, out government is an institution that will consistently make change. People seem to care here. People know what is going on to some extent and not always because they want to know, but they just can’t help but know. There are people young and old, conservative, liberal and everything in between who believe that they are working towards making the world a better place. The tourists wandering around the streets are here to look at art and history. They want to have an impact on the world we live in and that is a beautiful thing.
I am enjoying my time here thus far and if everything works out I do believe that I could be here for a long time.
you inspire me
i LOVE the sculpture garden!!! you're making me miss DC. maybe i will just have to stop by and say hi!