Friday, September 10, 2010

Day Trip One: Sierre Wine tasting

Last Saturday was a big day! I went on my first day trip in Switzerland. A group of six of us headed out to Sierre, Switzerland which is the French region of the country. We attended the Vinea Wine Festival.  There were about 20 tents with four different vineyards represented at each.  We got a glass at the beginning of the day and wandered around to try as many of the 1,200 wines as possible! It was the perfect day to spend walking around outside.

I have wanted to go wine tasting for a long time now. I like wine, but don't know much about what I like.  The wines were very specific to the region we were in.  Switzerland is not known for its wine because only about 1% of it get exported. It is also difficult to find any of the wines outside of the region it is made it.  There were many really good wines and I definitely found a few favorites (Sherpas are amazing!).  It was great to finally have the opportunity to go wine tasting.  I learned more about what kind of wine I liked. I still cannot describe why I like a wine but I am getting somewhere! 

Rachel, Krystal, Kasja, Kristina, Jason, and me 
You will notice the lanyards around our necks. They are wineglass holders..that is right... Wineglass necklaces! 

What wine should we choose?..hmm... one of each please!

Fountains are always fun!

We ended our day with TWO delicious pizzas. It was a perfect way to end the day!

We walked around Sierre, which isn't very big, but had some amazing views! 

My new aupair friends!

The trip was definitely a success! I have a goal of going to one new city/place in Switzerland and a city city in a different country.  Considering that I live with in a 3 hour train ride to 4 countries this should be difficult to accomplish. September is a success! Sierre: check. I will be in Italy by the end of the day and Munich for next weekend! My life is...dare I say...completely and totally awesome!

As for some family updates: We had baby talk planning this week. While Mama C is due on October 10th she has a history of going into labor early..several weeks early.  So we are expecting her to pop at any moment. There are several plans which means I am pretty much on call to take over the other kids. I really want to be there to help so I am hoping that she doesn't go into labor while I am on any of my weekend trips the next two weeks. There is a chance I will be driving her to the hospital, if it is just the two of us at home. That one freaks me out the most. I don't think I am quite ready to have my first experience with a woman in labor, but I guess it just might be that time!

G is extremely excited for her little sister to come! She loves helping her parents prepare for the baby. One of her babies sleeps in the newly set up crib.  G told P not to make a lot of noise one afternoon because she was sleeping. P, of course, did make a lot of noise and G went to Mama C and said "Do you know what P did? He woke up my baby! Even after I told him not to make a lot of noise!"  

Another fun story: We were at the pool and P had swimming lessons. G and I were hanging out and another Dad said hello to her and asked her how many brothers and sisters she had.  G said "I have one brother and one sister."  This totally caught me off guard because as of now she just has a brother.  It was super adorable!

On the other hand there is P, who couldn't be more indifferent to having a new sister. He really wishes it was going to be a boy.  He goes on a week long trip with his class the week after next, which means that he will probably come home to a new sister in the house. Mama C asked him if he would want to come home early if she has the baby and he said "no."  No more, no less, just "no."  In his mind, this new person in his family will be around for many years to come and missing out on being with your classmates for a week doing fun things is just not worth giving up! 

Anyway, things are really falling into place. I am enjoying it for the most part! Kids are ridiculous and dramatic all of the time. Yesterday, we fought over a paper clip and when G said it was her P asked for proof. It was a paper clip.  So for that I say congrats to all the parents out there who raised us all. I don't know how you did it because the kiddies are a lot of work that never ends...I have the daily thought: is it worth it? Now, go brush your teeth! 

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