Thursday, September 30, 2010

Where is the line?

My life is pretty amazing. I am not going to lie. I have plenty of free time to read, learn a language, take naps, and meet up with friends. I also am able to travel at the drop of a hat! It it also filled with ridiculous stories, funny moments, and silly tasks.

The other day G was laughing about something while we did some homework (Got to make it fun or they WHINE too much!)

Anyway, she was laughing pretty hard and then through her intense giggling she starts to laught harder while saying "I'm peeing."  She is 6 so I was a bit confused and said "What?"  She continued to laugh (and apparently pee) and said "Look on the floor."  She was indeed peeing. Peeing a lot. She peed for a long time as I sat baffled, annoyed, and a little amused.  She stopped peeing all of the the kitchen floor.  I sent her to change for ballet and then proceeded to clean up her pee. That is right CLEAN UP HER PEE!!!

P, who is 9 mind you, was pooing with the door open a couple of weeks ago... already inappropriate. Anyway, he was getting off the toilet or something of the sort and a fly away piece ended up on the floor... EWWWWWWW

WHAT! I am picking feces off the ground? He has also had a 2 other issues with actually pooing in his pants!??!?! NINE YEARS OLD! To think, I thought I would be changing the baby's diapers...but apparently the older two haven't learned to control their bladder and bowel movements quite yet.

Between playing restaurant, ironing, doing homework, cooking (for real), and attempting to keep P from sticking something in trumpet for the third time (NINE YEARS OLD!!!), I also find time to make friends, watch too much TV online, learn French (post to come about that!), and travel!   Where is the line that goes too far to make this worth it all? Apparently it is not at feces... hmmmmmmm

Baby Watch 2010: Mama C has been having fake contractions for about 24 hours on and off now. So the wait continues...

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