I was walking home from my bus stop after a lovely day in Zurich (more on that at the bottom) when I literally just stopped walking. I looked up and between the grocery store and some houses was a breathtaking view of the mountains. I have had a few clear days but today was incomparable to any of those.
I was heading back to take a quick nap before picking the kiddies up from school. Instead, I made it my mission to get pictures. I drove down the lake and just sat there for a few minutes. I cannot believe how incredibly gorgeous this place is. I am constantly in awe of the landscape! Below are a few pictures I took and the link the whole album. I want to emphasize how incredible close the mountains looked from other angles while I was driving and how much these few pictures to not give justice to how beautiful it is in real life! If that can't get you to come visit, I don't know what will! =) (hint. hint.)

I have had a lovely week so far. My trips around Europe and Switzerland are beginning to be planned. The kids and I are managing to be on some sore of schedule. This is only because I ask them to do things about 20 times and about 20 minutes before they need to be done. For instance the bus comes at 8:20am. We are ready by 8:10am pretty much everyday because at 8am I panic and my freakish need to be punctual kicks in. Anyway, I am getting better with the family and trying to integrate as much as possible when I am around. At the same time it is nice to shut myself in my room and have time to chat, send emails, etc.
I have met a few new aupairs that I really like. It is nice that the new ones are coming in. There are quite a few that are a bit younger than me. I am now friends with someone who was born in 1992! I cannot imagine moving to another country at that age. Most of them are coming from within Europe so home isn't too far, but nonetheless, it is impressive.
I have really enjoyed Skyping, Gmail chatting, video chatting, etc. with everyone that I have been able to! I would love to set up a time to chat with you..yes you! It is a little difficult at times but I am willing to wake up at crazy hours to accommodate you (well those of you I really like). I was thinking about doing this 10 years ago or so and I don't think I could do it. I would have been so much more isolated from everyone I know and love. I know that it would be impossible for me. So with technology comes new doors and opportunities to move away from your family yet still be able to talk like we are sitting in the same room (not as good but it can work for a year!).
Note: I have made some changes to my blog. I am now trying to label entries. I have also attached my Picasa account to my blog. So on the right side you can click on the thumbnails and it should send you to my albums to check out! Again, I love google! Sharing my life with the world is becoming a million times easier! And as my Mom said, google know EVERYTHING I am doing but I think I can support that!
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