Monday, September 6, 2010

Playing Games

I just sent the kiddies off on the bus. I am starting my third week on the job (fourth in Switzerland).  My alarm goes off at 7:02am and I immediately think "What is for snack time?"  I then precede to go through everything in the house until I decide what will be perfect for the day. Today it was rice cakes with peanut butter, juice, a prune, and a Pom Pom (which is a fruit puree or something like that).

It was a rough morning. G didn't want to get out of bed because she didn't sleep very well and P was especially against listening to anything I say.  G just needs a little encouragement, maybe being picked up, or some dancing and she will slowly perk up. P is a challenge. He saw that G didn't want to get out of bed so he started whining.  I refuse to indulge him when he is acting half his age.  So my attitude towards being fun and entertaining to get him out of bed quickly turns to get, "ok P, that is enough..."

My friend told me last night that I am such a "mother" already.  I know that what I do isn't close to what it is like to have a child attached to you for the rest of your life, but I do see where it becomes so easy to be a nag.  When you have to ask someone to do something an average of 4 times before they listen, there is no choice but to nag until it gets done.

On the other hand, kids are pretty easy. I can read to them for hours or just put a book on tape on and they are entertained.  On Friday, I played school with G for a little while. It was adorable how much we went through what she does during the day at school.  We went through the bus list, had recess, and learned some vital math and writing skills.  I remember I loved to play school when I was younger. I would get Stephen and whoever else was there to listen to me while I made them do workbooks and not talk while I was talking. G loved it! I got in trouble for talking all the time on Friday! I can completely see G getting told that she needs to stop talking after recess or when switching subjects during the day.

P is a little more challenging but we have found a love of Yahtzy (as it is spelled in German) He loves to read.  It is great that a reward after doing him homework is doing more reading. Very odd, but impressive!

These things called Silly Bandz are the "cool" things at school.  They are basically rubber bands that you can wear as a bracelet and they have different shapes (dinosaurs, instruments, animals, balloons, etc.).  No matter how much you bunch it up or try to change the shape, the original shape always comes back. Mama C and I don't really understand it but apparently you can make rubber bands super cool! The moral of the story is that we should think of something extremely simple and then sell it to children so we can all retire!

I am getting to know the kiddies better everyday. They are also getting to know me and where my line is.  I try to make everything into a competition or a game.  P will play sometimes but also is starting to understand what I am trying to do.  G will do anything if I count to see how long it will take her. This is definitely the best thing in the world!

I am also getting used to living with the family. I am not home as much which makes it easier when I am home. Eating with the family makes it a lot easier to get to know them and it makes it less odd during the rest of the time.  Tonight we are going to sit down and talk about life after the baby is born which will be nice to know how my schedule will change.

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