This year is much different. I am abroad. This translates into Thanksgiving being a non-existent holiday. My American friends and I have been talking about what do today for a couple of weeks and we are having a traditional Thanksgiving. However, I will not be any family, there will be no football, and I spent the morning looking after a 7 week old baby. Needless to say, it just doesn't quite feel like Thanksgiving.
I am super excited that we will be having turkey today, which is a feat in itself because the Swiss don't eat turkey! I also spent the morning baking an apple pie and peeling 3 kg of potatoes to make into some (hopefully) delicious mashed potatoes. The dinner I am going to will have people from all over the world (potentially 6 of the 7 continents) and many Americans. I am excited to enjoy a massive feast with my new friends!
In keeping with tradition here's a list of things that I am unbelievable grateful for (in no specific order):
- I am so thankful for having an amazing and supportive family! I decide to do and say ridiculous things all the time knowing that they will be behind me in the end. I love you all sooo much and wish that I could be with you today!
- All of my friends from high school, college, life in DC, and everything in between! I am so lucky to have each of you in my life! I miss you so much and am so excited every time I get talk to you all the way in Switzerland!
- Video Chat, facebook, phones, online television..etc. Without this technology I am not sure that I would EVER be able to live over 6,000 miles away from everything and everyone I know!
- My mother - She gets an individual shout out for countless reasons! I am learning so much about what it takes to raise a family and make a Thanksgiving dinner! I am shocked everyday that you were able to do it all! I love you and thank you times a million!
- Living in Europe! This is such a great opportunity and it has been so much fun already! The new friends I have made are fantastic! I have been able to travel and my month of December is going to absolutely jammed with exciting adventures!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And a Happy Thursday to those of you who won't be celebrating Thanksgiving! Much love and safe travels!
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